One of the interesting data presentation of research results or data read in realtime (continuous) of the mikrokontroller (e.g. arduino) is in the form of graphs. Often in the final assignment (TA) supervising professors ask for his guidance for students presenting data in the form of graphs. Input data is sent from the Arduino uses serial communications to your laptop or computer. In this article I will only explain in visual Studio to version 2015 and 2017 only.
Microsoft Visual Studio is a complete software (suite) that can be used to perform application development, be it business applications, personal applications, or components of the application, in the form of a Windows application, console application , or Web applications. Visual Studio includes compilers, SDK, Integrated Development Environment (IDE), and documentation (generally in the form of the MSDN Library). Visual Studio supports 36 languages and allow the code editor and debugger to support almost any programming language. In one packaging there are programming languages C, C++, Visual C++/CLI, Basic.NET, C #, F #, JavaScript, XML, XSLT, TypeScript, HTML and CSS. And, also support for other programming languages such as Python, Ruby, nodes, and M [1,2].
The look of the Arduino IDE in Visual Studies 2017In Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 and 2017 there are special Micro Visual for the Arduino IDE that can be used to plot a graph of the output sensor readout visually using the Arduino serial communications. More information about the Arduino IDE to Visual Studio and the Studio can be read on the Atmel link1 and link2.
Well without much ADO that could make the reel head later, directly to the discussion, to the point of the term cool:D. Disini temen-temen I consider to have been either using visual studio 2010, version 2012, 2013, or a version of it. If not please search – find another tutorial and learn via google. I am just explaining how to use the create a graph showing micro visual only and does not explain in more depth as how to download, how to install etc, soalnya kalo in writing could all be one book. Here we will learn and enjoy, especially week nights nihh, create the jones, jofish singles-singles, and another kind of micro-visual malming together we let malmingnya blessed. Hahaha.
In mem-Plot graphs on this tutorial, Visual Micro provides the syntax (program code) "@Plot" that is specific to plot the graphs. The following example syntax to plot the graph of the Arduino ' {@Plot. MyPlot. Graph. Red sesnorValue} ', the explanation of "@Plot" to display the graphics, "window name" MyPlot Plot graph by, "graph" for the name of the chart, the "Red" for the color of the graph, and "sensorValue" is the data we will plot into its graph.
In the writing program at the Arduino IDE in Visual micro-the same as writing a program like in the Arduino IDE we use to program the Arduino in General, so no need to bother to change there and change here. Here is my mem-plot graphs of the results of the readings of the sensors ADC from the Arduino. The following programs I copas direct from Arduino Examples. In this tutorial I use Arduino temen-temen DUE and can use other versions such as the Arduino nano, Uno, mega, etc.
Programs reading data ADC using Arduino DUEthen, to check if there are programs that write the syntax wrong temen-temen bias his check by pressing the following which I Build a red ring,
Build button (check the program error) to program the Arduino on Visual MicroIf there are no errors, then the temen-temen can provide upload (incorporating the program into the Arduino) using the button below,
The Build button and Upload the program to the Arduino on Visual Micro before uploading programs set prior daluhu, COM and type of Arduino such as on the use of the Arduino IDE. Explicitly in the show in the following image,
As for the mem-Plot graph shown on the serial monitor temen-temen can add the following program,
Make the program plots a graph of the output sensorValueLangkanya-step is click once on the red dot on the line 17 which is a program that we want to plot into the shape of the graph, and then red dot will appear like the image above, then right click and select Actions. then it will pop up a dialog box like the following,
Writing the program to plot the graph of the output sensorValueThen check the Action and Continue execution, then the contents of the program on a Log message dialog box to Output Windows with the following programs, ' {@Plot. MyPlot. Graph. Red sesnorValue} ' or like in the image above. Then click close and press the check in advance if there are any error or not, if there is no error do the upload program and will get results such as the following,
Graph plot results in Visual Micro So this brief tutorial, may be useful. Here's the video of her results, [embedyt] v = CJgzTBRVXBQ [/embedyt] references:
- Wikipedia Indonesia, Microsoft Visual Studies (
- Wikipedia United Kingdom, Microsoft Visual Studies (