[vc_message message_box_color=”orange”] Presenters: Wayan Dadang (delegation of Indonesia and the 2nd Runner Up in the contest of Robot Extinguishing 2016 International Level at Trinity College, Connecticut, U[/vc_message]S[vc_message icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-pencil”]A) Moderator: Nailul Izzah [/vc_message]
Brazing Siringmakar 12 (Wayan Dadang) and Robot Creation
Robot competition event deployment became one of knowledge, especially students, in the field of electronics, mechanics while learning at the same time they competed in the design of building a prototype robot that can be used to help the daily life of human beings. The development of artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligent) has contributed to rapid progress in the work function robots, Robots for example Sophia recently got full citizenship of Saudi Arabia. The process of making the robot naturally through a number of stages, as well as in robots that were made will be included in a competition, there are certainly steps that need to be prepared until the robot made a prestigious competition can win decent for a robot with sophistication can be useful to help human activities/employment, even handle things that cannot be done directly by humans. Anything that needs to be dipersiapakan in a robot competition, so the robot/robot prototype that we make can compete well in competition?.
Every year there is a competition called the Robot Contest Indonesia (KRI) organised by HIGHER EDUCATION in cooperation with several universities in Indonesia, where for years at the national level, the KRI 2017 already held last July in the ICU. KRI news year 2017 could be listened to the news on the website of Belmawa Ristekdikti for the press release of the national robot competition. The competition for the year 2018 while there has been no official information, but the continued development of its information can be followed on the website Belmawa Ristekdikti. Switch back to the topic of the KRI KRI years 2017, by which consist of four (4) divisions of competition, namely:
1. Robot Contest ABU Indonesia (KRAI);
2. Fire Extinguisher Robot Contest Indonesia (KRPAI)-Legged;
3. Robot Dance Contest Indonesia (KRSTI); and
4. Indonesia’s soccer Robot contest (KRSBI) Wheeled and Humanoid.
In the first division, namely the KRAI, where competition for Division varies each year, so for information KRAI later there will be further announcements. 2018 KRAI themes later refering to ABU ROBOCON 2018 robot theme that can be listened to here.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqHB7rDkkWc[/embedyt]
In the second division, i.e. KRPAI, where presenters following the competition for this Division. Robots are made for this Division is a robot who is in charge of putting out the fire by using the foot part of the robot. In previous years, the KRPAI Division is divided into two divisions, but yesterday changed with KRSBI wheeled type.
In the third Division, namely KRSTI, making robot art similar to humans who can dance (Humanoid).
In the Fourth Division, namely KRSBI, making the robot soccer legs (Humanoid).
KRPAI competition followed presenters make robots legged on duty fire extinguisher to douse the flames of candles in a particular room, where robots will be down the room.
The atmosphere of the competition can be seen in the following video.
After knowing the description of one robot competition, then further discussion of that important known is anything that needs to be studied to make robots?. Key points of making a robot of course is learning to make the robot itself and understand how it works. “Don’t just hold the origin of later, but dont know how it works, it’s not good too”, said presenters.
There are at least 5 (five) points that need to be studied and prepared before entering directly to make a robot.
The first thing that needs to be studied is the Electronics in the past, for example, can start with learn function, along with the capacitor diode with its function and other electronics components, so that from the knowledge of electronics it can be determined how electricity needs a robot, how many ampere/volt needs required robots, microcontroller, what corresponds to the robot, and so on.
Second, design, design is important in the manufacture of robots, “it’s not tasty kalo robotnya full cable and plug it in here and there, so beautiful/aesthetic value”, the light of the presenters.
Thirdly, programming, robots without the program is just another inanimate lifeless, so in addition to electricity, the robot will also need program to life and could walk. Programs can be arranged in an analog or digital electronics, where analog to the more complex calculations, to make it easier and the robot can walk as desired the maker then System digital robot program is preferred.
Fourth, the algorithm is required in order for the robot is able to solve a problem, e.g. the task put out the fire, then the algorithm must match the task. Before we install any program that must be installed, we must make the algorithm so that later the robot easier and faster in completing its work.
Fifth, are no less important is the consultation, the most important thing is done so that any difficulties encountered can be resolved the way out with often consulted with brother force ever follow similar competitions for example.
When the 5 (five) things that we have learned, the next step is tests to make a simple robot learning at the beginning, we could make a line follower robot we can also apply several algorithms, “sometimes even his system could be more complex lho line follower robot, depending of the task and the path of robotnya, “the light of the presenters.
There are some books that can be used as a reference for rekomendai learning and presenters use also at the stage of learning to make robots.
Next after we’ve studied the things needed to make a robot, and it makes testing simple robots. Steps to follow the competition could have done well. Then, anything that need to be prepared to form a team that will join the competition robots?. Following his.
Figure 3 shows the minimum number of teams with a background of skills that should at least be in a team competition robot, though it did not close the possibility to involve people with other skills, such as someone who take care of a part production management to take care of the Administration and managing the funds of the competition, for example. Expertise in the field of mechanical and electronic programmers, there must be in order for the manufacture of robots can walk well. In one team can consist of 3-5 people. “Our team from Unsri that time of electro all”, explains presenters. The other thing that’s important is also shown in Figure 4 is the presence of the Supervising Lecturer will steer and nurture team during the preparation of the competition to take place.
When the team was already formed, then there are preparations to be made for following a competition. Then, anything that need to be prepared?, the following explanation of the presenters:
The first thing in the follow/following the competition, in this case the appropriate competition followed brazing i.e. KRPAI, is expand research and find out the latest information of any kind relating to the competition. Second, once there is info opening competition, the team will usually be asked to draw up a proposal for the robot to be built, in which format the proposal already provided higher education party and we will only fill it. Stuffing a proposal containing information on design, algorithms, electronic components and others. Third, if the submitted proposal passes, then the team will go through a regional competition and can continue to get away with it when in national regional. When the team KRPAI got away, then the next national can represent Indonesia into Trinity College, Connecticut in the United States. It is important for following the course of the competition, in addition to setting up the completeness of the proposal, the team also must continue to prepare for the robot, the robot reliability check, checks error and so on.
Another important thing is related to funding and sponsorship funding that might help the team in building a robot, as more sophisticated robots who want to built will certainly require greater funding. Certainly a solid team work and good relations with other parties such as corporate sponsors need to be maintained.
Learning and deeper consultation may visit instagram robotics team from University of Sriwijaya Palembang: @unsri_robotics
Session Faq (QnA)
Term 1
- Afif_Q: How does the older brother could focus in the Organization’s achievements, and lectures as well?
A: Gradually in every activity that we follow, for example, in our first year lectures follow one organization alone, the focus of the next year, gradually joined the competition. Do it gradually, focus and run the appropriate capabilities we set the time. Can a time at once active in the Organization, and achievements, but select a lightweight organization only. For example a member first, don’t be so General Chairman or the Chairman of the Division. For the achievements we can grab that is not too heavy, for example, participated the Conference. While we can also study lecture and learning robots. I usually reply learn bring books everywhere, on buses, in angkot read all. hehe. It’s a Yes to question 1. - Firman_Q: Could not see the work of kak wayan?
A: - Deborah Tri Putri_Q: when a robot walking or doing the work we provide, and it turns out the robot arrives “is not working, how we can find out quickly and easily the damage from these robots?
A: for sure when we are maker we will know the ins and outs of the robot that we make. Okay, this was in my personal, Yes, e.g. robotnya living in check battery first if its still fairly or not, if the battery is still good, but not the flame we check the cable supply etc. Usually often break up in cable and wiring systems on the PCB board. Well, ngeceknya can use a multitester.
Term 2
- Ridho _ Q: about why programming languages used c/c++. Why not use pemerograman language like PHP Java or Pascal. Robot components and it’s lumyan expensive, how yg funds roughly spent in makes 1 robot?
A: Can kok wear other than c/c++, for example, use Basic language, Python for Raspberry Pi. If PHP and Java it’s further to the creation of the web, but it can be hell for robot based IoT or system monitoring robot, for example. Cost depends on robots that made the reply line follower analog most about 200-300 thousand, kalo line follower hard-wired can sampe 1 million. A more complex reply kayaking in KRI can sampe 50 million. For the robot KRPAI for example that we are at least a good while 13an million can sampe 40 million.
- Widia _ q: what makes the brother is very motivated to create a robot? But already know making is not easy?
A: from small, since SD is already like ngoprek/repair the damaged radio, deck, so actually this lecture continues the hobby since ELEMENTARY SCHOOL who already liked electronics. Indeed we kalo learn will certainly be easy, like mountaineering manjat was initially hard kalo already at the Summit we will be pleased and feel easy to go down. Everything there is nothing easy, depending on the business we do, the greater we want greater effort should we give, the end result will be directly proportional to the effort. - ADE Irmawan_Q: how to cope with a less stable frequency fitting the fire robots are already running?, thank you.
A: It is located in a nice, growing algorithm algorithm makin smart robots, then expand the trial. Usually the components also greatly influences, the good performance of both the more robots. - Ilham_Q: does the arduino that can be used to create robots?
A: it could be a while, even the most easy-to-use Arduino. - Afif_Q: typically if we join the robotic race came with the proposal paper also dont kak? Kalo iya, can ask for e.g. kak?
A: Kalo joined HMAS Yes, must wear the proposal, later provided by higher education, and can be downloaded on the web belmawa.ristekdikti.go.id - Ilham _ q: If in a race to my loses, robotics do still get the certificate?
A: Yes definitely can. All will be a certificate. Will be sent via the post by higher education later to each campus.
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