As educators, of course we know that the field of Science and Technology is the main driving force to make Indonesia as prosperous nation and advanced civilized. In English, the field is also often abbreviated as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). The human resources who are proficient in STEM become the top priority of Barack Obama during the President of the United States [1]. This makes perfect sense because jobs that require monotonous (routine) skills have declined in developed countries, today almost all monotonous work has been done by machines and robots [2] [3]. While specialized and specialized skill jobs have increased dramatically. So what about Indonesia? Indonesia has encouraged its people to master science and technology through the Law of the Republic of Indonesia no. 18 of 2002 on National System of Research, Development, and Application of Science and Technology. However, the law is not strong enough in printing quality human resources so that the House of Representatives drafted the National System of Science and Technology Law (UU SISNAS IPTEK) which is still in process. The government hopes that the SISNAS IPTEK Law will encourage the quality of Indonesian human resources to become human resources of science and technology (skilled human resources in science and technology) [4].
To achieve the mission of the creation of IPTEK human resources, in addition to the regulating laws, educators also have a central role in promoting and motivating students to love science and technology and achievement in science and technology. In this article will be focused on the field of science. By emphasizing the importance of science and also enhancing student participation, educators can ensure that today’s youth will have a successful future and be the driving force for the advancement of the nation.
In this article will discuss some effective strategies that will help educators in motivating students to be able to enjoy the science so that it can arise a sense of love from within students.
1. Improving Perception of Science
The image of science in the eyes of society is somewhat negative so that people’s perception of science becomes wrong. This is not only happening in Indonesia, but also in developed countries even in America [1]. Scientists are often portrayed as someone who is nerd and anti-social. The image was created both in movies, comics, novels, and other media. In order to change the image of science for students, educators can explain biography of major Indonesian scientists like BJ. Habibie who before becoming President RI, he is a scientist. Then also a biography of Muslim scientists who are also religious scholars like Ibn Haitham, Jabir Ibn Hayyan, Al-Biruni, Al-Khawarizmi, etc. [5]. The second image that is also wrong is that science only becomes interesting when in the laboratory. This can be overcome by discussing the science phenomena that can be observed without having to be in the laboratory. For teenage students, try discussing YouTube channels about popular science such as “ smarter every day “, “ veritasium “, or in Indonesian like “Kok bisa?”, “ TV warstek “, etc. Through the YouTube channels students will realize that we do not need to wear lab coats to observe and enjoy science. For younger students, educators can perform fun-filled experiments or use the science aids in the classroom.
2. Acting as an Enthusiastic and Enthusiastic Educator
When explaining science or demonstrating science experiments, act as an enthusiastic, knowledgeable educator, willing to answer all silly student questions. Rest assured that your enthusiasm and enthusiasm as educators will also resonate with students so they will also be enthusiastic and passionate about learning science.
3. Make Science a Very Pleasant Thing
Educational experts and science teaching believe that in order to keep students interested in science for a long time, students must have been attracted to science since the fourth grade of elementary school [1]. This means that the primary school level is the most important level to determine whether a person will have a career in science or not in the future. Of course to make students interested in science, science should be conveyed as something very fun. The easiest way is that educators can grow and cultivate students’ interest in science by delivering exciting and memorable experimental videos. Lots of interesting experiments uploaded on YouTube, like the videos below.
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Spinner spidner on space shuttle
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The arrangement of lenses that make invisible objects
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Bending laser light with water
4. Associate Science with Everyday Life
One important factor to lead students to love science is to show them how science is used in everyday life. Science is behind everyday tools that students use like smartphones, laptops, and even their games. Educators can explain that without applying the correct physics concept, games like angry birds will never be interesting to play. Associate Angry Bird game with parabolic motion. Encourage students in the classroom to explore and understand how the science materials being taught are increasingly touching everyday activities. Engage in an interesting discussion so that students realize that science is more than they previously thought such as explaining the Mpemba effect that explains that hot water froze faster than plain water . Another example is how to measure the depth of a well by using a rock and stopwatch , or if you want a high level to discuss mathematical equations in wringing clothes .
Game angry bird is an exciting medium for studying parabolic motion
5. Give Students the Opportunity to Work
After explaining a material on science, educators can create contests that encourage students to use the material they have learned in the form of making works. Of course works that interest students, not works that are ruled to make by educators. Works do not have to be objects, but also in the form of learning media such as video. Examples of contests such as the race to get a lot of viewers or like on YouTube / Instagram with demonstration video demonstration conducted by students. Or it could be by creating a smartphone app (can be Android or iOS) that will help them understand the material. Nowadays it is very easy to create smartphone applications without having to learn the programming language, a lot of websites that provide free smartphone application development services such as ibuildapp, buildfire , andromo , etc. Even educators can turn them into conducive group competitions such as group presentations. If students have produced a work of science, then the work will keep their interest in the field of science.
6. Involves Use of Information Technology
Of course it is very difficult to get students interested in science when the only source of instruction is a textbook. Use a variety of websites and simulation applications that help students better understand basic science concepts such as the phet , myphysicslab , etc.
7. Bring Science to Real Life
The best way to foster students’ interest in science is to design and conduct interesting experiments. Students will be impressed with experiments water that can bend the laser light , or experiment to determine the rotten chicken eggs seen from whether the eggs float, float or drown, make a water rocket, etc. There are so many experiments that educators can do with simple tools but can explain the basic concepts of science in an interesting and fun way. When students “experiment” in science, they tend to be more enthusiastic about learning deeper science. Through experimentation, educators can also develop students’ interest in science by enhancing their natural curiosity. In addition to experiments, educators may also share the benefits or applications of such basic concepts in industry, medicine, etc.
Thus 7 effective methods for educators (Teacher, Lecturer, Tentor) so that their students can love science. How do you as an educator in motivating students to love science? Do you have tips and tricks you want to share? Feel free to leave a comment in the section below this article. Warung Popular Science will be very happy to hear your opinion.
- Janelle Cox, How to Motivate Students to Love Science . Retrieved on December 8, 2017.
- Wayan Dadang, Robot Technology Able to Create Large Buildings By Three Dimensional On Demand Print . Retrieved on December 9, 2017.
- Wayan Dadang, Effie: Automatic Conventional Iron Switching Machine . Retrieved on December 9, 2017.
- Hidya Anindyati. Working Draft Law on Science and Technology: Science and Technology Must Be Able to Improve Quality HR . Retrieved on December 8, 2017.
- Here are 101 World-for-forgotten Muslim Scientists and Figure of the World. Accessed on December 9, 2017.
Warung Sains Teknologi (Warstek) adalah media SAINS POPULER yang dibuat untuk seluruh masyarakat Indonesia baik kalangan akademisi, masyarakat sipil, atau industri.